Improving Application Scalability Using React

When it comes to creating a new application, it is a common instinct for developers to run for convenience rather than following established standards. This is why it must always be a rule of thumb to set up certain rules and standards to make codes scalable before starting a new project.

React is a JavaScript framework that is known for its ease of use and flexibility, but also for its complexity while creating a sizable dynamic application. Therefore, maintaining scalability can become a considerable challenge, and it is always advisable to write scalable codes from the start instead of optimizing at the end.

Here is a list of some of the best practices you can always follow to ensure that your React Native codes are scalable and customizable for creating a unique mobile app.

  1. Organizing the global and the local state

One of the unique characteristics of React Native framework is the fact that it manages its user interface based on its current state. So ultimately, it always comes down to the developer for organizing and maintaining the state that makes up their application.

It might seem wise for a large complex application to organize every piece of data in redux to keep track of all the available states. But, on the other hand, storing data on redux must be avoided as much as possible to eliminate the risk of over-engineering. Simple applications require simple functions, and components utilizing the local state are known to be more predictable and independent.

  1. Maintaining strict coding standards

Over the years, I have noticed that amateur programmers starting with a new framework for the first time always jump to code before reading the entire document carefully. This is because these official documents - be it a company document setting out the coding standards or official framework documentation - contain crucial information about code scalability and testing that makes the development process easy.

Moreover, if you think that it's the experience of a React developer that sets them apart from inexperienced ones while creating scalable codes, you might be wrong here. Frameworks and coding standards are constantly evolving, and the best developers are the ones who work smartly instead of working hard, ultimately writing an unresponsive code.

  1. Writing codes that are easy to share or port

Developers often forget that their ultimate goal is not just to write codes to create an interactive application. Instead, their job is to ensure that the application they are creating leads to the client’s business growth in the long term. Business growth is often measured by a robust digital presence and exceptional service across platforms and devices in this digital realm.

React has a wonderful feature of portability that allows us to share concepts from one platform to another without hassles. However, to ensure that the foundation of the codes has to be laid out in a way that makes the code universal across all platforms. This means writing consistent codes that different platforms can leverage.

  1. Writing test codes

Automation has redefined the dynamics of the testing process within an application as it saves a considerable amount of time and effort. Utilizing automation for testing purposes is the best way to create a seamless application, but it must be done correctly.

If you are wondering that you can write test codes later once you finish creating the application, that's when you fall into the trap. Always ensure that you write test codes from the beginning so that you can focus on application scalability instead of moving back and forth writing test codes. Imagine doing this with an extensively complex application - it would be a nightmare!

  1. Using TypeScript

TypeScript has gained immense popularity amongst frontend developers since it improves maintainability, code consistency and variably and invariably affects scalability. However, compared to other JavaScript frameworks, React developers have the option to choose between JS or TS, and it is ideal to choose TS wherever there’s an option.

While scaling an application, TypeScript allows the team to read the codes more clearly, and on top of it, it even prevents any potential runtime errors. An additional feature of using TypeScript with React is that it supports JSX that provides better IntelliSense.

  1. Wrapping Dependencies

React users often come across a situation where they realize that they do not need the vast amount of libraries, especially third-party libraries for their components. Shifting libraries at a later stage in the development process is an expensive and time-consuming process that is not practical for a high-budgeted complex application.

The suitable alternative is to wrap those dependencies with an API and use them as wrappers rather than deploying the entire library. Wrapping up dependencies also makes switching easy from one library to another. Till the time the developer is wavy of the abstractions that wrappers can create, this feature enables scalability for any React application for the long term.


Scalability is one of those crucial features for mobile applications that determines its longevity, consistency, competency, and effectiveness amongst users in this competitive digital world. While React is known for improving scalability, developers cannot take it easy thinking that the framework would automatically enable scalability. It starts from the foundation, and how it progresses ahead determines the app’s adaptability.