Generic SSG

This is a Generic Static Site Generator

Generic Static Site Generator

Generic Static Site Generator


This is a Generic Static Site Generator, It is written in JavaScript, It can be used to create static websites

It is an organised and completely customisable Static Site Generator, It treats webpages as objects which can be evaluated.

This can be used to created all kinds of websites.




Thank you for your interest in contributing, I would love to see your contributions, So, You could just create a PR, if it's really worth, I will merge it


Contact me anywhere, You can easily find me, Mail is preferable for formal communication, Instagram DM for small talks



  • Node.Js installed
  • A website Architecture


You have to install GSSG from NPM

npm install -g generic-static-site-generator


All the configuration data should be present in a config.json file


Currently, I am the only one who can be credited for this, But, I was inspired by lack of a simple SSG, There are very cool ones, but somehow, I feel that they are unnecessarily complicated, My motive in this SSG is to make it ridiculously Simple


This is the gateway to my entire internet presence. Find me there. If that doesn't let you know enough about me, Then I am afraid to say, Nothing can


This project is licensed under MIT License, See LICENSE for more information