Everything about Test Driven Development

Test-driven development is a part of the testing process. In this process, we first structure the proper write-up of the code. After then, the developer proceeds to the final input function or feature. In this process, the developers' team gathers the requirements to accomplish the goals aligning with the user's expectations. Then they write up the testcase to satisfy the situation. They come up with different paths to reach the final goal.

Additionally, they wait for the test to fail because it means you have some bugs or bad code occurrences. It helps to structure the meaningful usable code for final implementation

This process follows a loop of Red-Green-Refactor, and the process is mentioned below:

Red-Green-Refactor Cycle:

There's a test suite where you'll push all the tests to run.

  • In the initial, there's a red status. After that, you'll make some changes to modified it shorter. So that we can execute a single test, it will be as green here. Run all tests.
  • If there's anything required to change the code, developers will refactor the code.
  • This red-green-refactor thing keeps in the loop or iterative mode.

Expect your first write-ups only to approve the first time. Only some things are perfect initially. So be ready for iterative development of the write-up.

Add a Test > Ensure the test falls > Write code> Ensure the Test Passes > Refactor.

Adapt Test Driven Development to Manage your Projects Without any Complexity

Test-driven development eliminates a few of the complexities of the scheduled project and manages the readability of code. In this process, we will keep restructuring the code and modify. However, this process takes much time to form the actual functionality or feature. But the iteration process ensures the quality and durability of the code.

This test-driven development process is great for inspecting the crucial things and bugs at the initial stage. The purpose of this approach is to keep everything clear and trouble-free. It also assists the peers and future self.

  • TDD is a practice of modular, easily testable, loosely-coupled code. This code write-up keeps everything simple, manageable, debug-friendly, and reusable. TDD is an advantageous and effective approach that significantly impacts development.
  • It manages over-budget issues.
  • In this TDD process, our main focus is to manage the proper code following the red and green stages. At every step or cycle, we will enhance the readability of the code.
  • We will work on the code pattern and help the team to collaborate for better project onboarding and management.
  • With this constant running loop of code improvisation, you will see what area of project code requires modification. It also includes abstractions, design, etc. It drives the confidence in the developers and maintains productivity and efficiency.
  • TDD test suite includes all the possible paths and situations. It helps the developers to work on feedback and real-time development practices. You don't need to take the load during production and manage the project performance.

What are the TDD Approaches Developers Follow for Different Projects?

Test-Driven Development approach includes two processes to practice:

Inside Out-

If you are a beginner developer, the Inside Out is best preferable. We start the process from the smallest unit that resultant the architecture construction. It eliminates the over-engineering and mocking events.

Outside In-

It generalizes the user behavior through the outermost level testing path. As you go forward, details form automatically. The Outside In approach focuses on numerous external dependencies, including stubbing and mocking. This process is complex and quite harder for early-age developers. This process drives the optimum outcome aligning the business needs. The red stage involves the designing process and refactorizations.

To manage the larger, complex & front-end applications, Outside In best aligns with the evolving external dependencies. If you are involved in a minor, monolithic application development project, Inside Out is a great one to proceed with.

We can use different types of libraries and frameworks to manage the projects. JUnit is used to execute the java base project tests.

  public void When_I_add_an_apple_the_system_charges_50_cents() {
    CashRegister register = new CashRegister();
    long expectedCost = 50;

    long actualCost = register.getAmount();

    assertEquals(expectedCost, actualCost);


We perform this testing strategy to manage the readable code. But in case the developer's team needs proper system architecture and testcase design. It will slow the development and production practices. We can't isolate the components. Also, things will get out of hand if the legacy system fits the unit test needs.

Read Also: QA experts access the different types of tools to manage the API testing phases more efficiently and seamlessly. Postman is one of the popular tools for API testing without delay.

 How To Automate API Testing With Postman

Bottom Line

Test-driven development encourages meaningful outcomes following the appropriate approaches, regression, or iteration. Developers can prefer any path to proceed with the project development without error during the final production. This process helps to clear the trash and manage the neat, readable code to accomplish the development goal. A developer and QA Testers team should be well-versed in creating the best testcase to put in the test suite. All these test cases should align the real-time user practices.

Here our main focus is to structure fresh, workable test cases to determine the best outcomes. The programmer's responsibility is to look over each aspect of the legacy system, user-thinking, and real-world situations. Neglecting any mimic condition will influence production.

This test-driven development strategy highly focuses on the readable standard format code design. No need to good rapidly. Everything will be managed by taking baby steps, short feedback loops accepted here, along with proper iterative refactoring.

JoneKiprek picture

Thanks for bringing up the virtual machine vs container vs serverless comparison in our discussion about test-driven development. The complexities of choosing the right development environment can greatly influence TDD practices and the overall agility of the development cycle. For those interested, I recommend reading more about it here https://devcom.com/tech-blog/virtual-machines-containers-serverless-computing/ . Understanding these environments can help developers tailor their TDD approach to ensure compatibility and performance, especially when deploying in diverse infrastructures.

Richard Thompson picture

Great post

Quokka Labs picture

Thanks for the feedback