Data Manipulation: Pandas vs Rust

Rust requires a lot more work compared to Pandas, but, Rust is way more flexible and performant.


Pandas is the main Data analysis package of Python. For many reasons, Native Python has very poor performance on data analysis without vectorizing with NumPy and the likes. And historically, Pandas has been created by Wes McKinney to package those optimisations in a nice API to facilitate data analysis in Python.

This, however, is not necessary for Rust. Rust has great data performance natively. This is why Rust doesn’t really need a package like Pandas.

I believe the rustiest way to do Data Manipulation in Rust would be to build a heap of data struct.

But, I could be wrong, let me know if that’s the case.

This is my experience and reasoning comparing Pandas vs Rust.


Performance benchmarks are done on this very random dataset: that offers around 160,000 lines / 130 columns for a total size of 150Mb. The size of this dataset corresponds to the type of dataset I regularly encounter, that’s why I chose this one. It isn’t the biggest dataset in the world, and, more studies should probably be done on a larger dataset.

The merge will be done with another random dataset:, the WDICountry.csv

1. Reading and instantiating Data


Reading and instantiating Data in Pandas is pretty straightforward, and handles by default many data quality problems:

import pandas as pd

path = "/home/peter/Documents/TEST/RUST/terrorism/src/globalterrorismdb_0718dist.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path)

[Rust] Reading CSV

For Rust, Managing bad quality data is very very tedious. In this dataset, some fields are empty, some lines are badly formatted, and some are not UTF-8 encoded.

To open the CSV, I used the csv crate but it does not solve all the issues listed above. With well-formatted data, reading can be done like so:

let path = "/home/peter/Documents/TEST/RUST/terrorism/src/foo.csv"
let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_path(path).unwrap();

But with bad quality formatting, mine looked like this:

use std::fs::File;    
use encoding_rs::WINDOWS_1252;
use encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytesBuilder;

// ...

    let file = File::open(path)?;
    let transcoded = DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new()
    let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()


[Rust] Instantiating the data

To instantiate the data, I used Serde for serializing and deserializing my data.

To use Serde, I needed to make a struct of my data. But, having a struct of my data is great has it makes my code follow a model-based coding paradigm with a well-defined type for each field. It also enables me to implement traits and methods on top of them.

However, the data I wanted to use has 130 columns… And, It seemed that there is no way to generate the definition of the struct automatically.

To avoid doing the definition manually, I had to build my own struct generator:

fn inspect(path: &str) {
    let mut record: Record = HashMap::new();

    let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_path(path).unwrap();

    for result in rdr.deserialize() {
        match result {
            Ok(rec) => {
                record = rec;
            Err(e) => (),
    // Print Struct
    println!("#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]");
    println!("struct DataFrame {{");
    for (key, value) in &record {
        println!("    #[serialize_always]");

        match value.parse::<i64>() {
            Ok(n) => {
                println!("    {}: Option<i64>,", key);
            Err(e) => (),
        match value.parse::<f64>() {
            Ok(n) => {
                println!("    {}: Option<f64>,", key);
            Err(e) => (),
        println!("    {}: Option<String>,", key);

This generated the struct as follows:

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::skip_serializing_none;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct DataFrame {
    individual: Option<f64>,
    natlty3_txt: Option<String>,
    ransom: Option<f64>,
    related: Option<String>,
    gsubname: Option<String>,
    claim2: Option<String>,

    // ...

skip_serializing_none: Avoid having error on empty fields in the CSV.

serialize_always: Makes the number of field when writing csv fixed.

Now, that I had my struct, I used serde serialization to populate a vector of struct:

    let mut records: Vec<DataFrame> = Vec::new();

    for result in rdr.deserialize() {
        match result {
            Ok(rec) => {
            Err(e) => println!("{}", e),

This generated my vector of struct, hooray 🎉

On a general note with Rust, you shouldn’t expect things to work as smoothly as it would with Python.


On reading / instantiating data, Pandas wins hands down for CSV.

2. Filtering


There are many ways to do filtering in pandas, the most common way for me is as follows:

df = df[df.country_txt == "United States"]


To do filtering in Rust, we can refer to the docs for vector in Rust

There is a large umbrella of methods for Vector filtering, with many nightly features that are going to be great for data manipulation when they ship. For this use case, I used the retain method has it was fitted my need perfectly:

    records.retain(|x| &x.country_txt.unwrap() == "United States");
    let mut wtr =

    for record in &records {

One big difference between Pandas and Rust is that Rust filtering uses Closures (eq. lambda function in python) whereas Pandas filtering uses Pandas API based on columns. This means Rust can make more complex filters compared to Pandas. It also adds in readability in my opinion.



Mem Usage(Gb)





1.6s 🔥 -50%

1.7Gb 🔥 -32%

Even though we’re using Pandas API for filtering, we get significantly better performance using Rust.


On Filtering, Rust seems to be more capable and faster. 🚅

3. Group By


Group by are a big part of the data reduction pipeline in python, it goes usually as follows:

df = df.groupby(by="country_txt", as_index=False).agg(
    {"nkill": "sum", "individual": "mean", "eventid": "count"}


For group by and data reduction, thanks to David Sanders, group by can be done as follows:

use itertools::Itertools;

// ...

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct GroupBy {
    country: String,
    total_nkill: f64,
    average_individual: f64,
    count: f64,

// ... 

    let groups = records
        .sorted_unstable_by(|a, b| Ord::cmp(&a.country_txt, &b.country_txt))
        .group_by(|record| record.country_txt.clone())
        .map(|(country, group)| {
            let (total_nkill, count, average_individual) = group.into_iter().fold(
                (0., 0., 0.),
                |(total_nkill, count, average_individual), record| {
                        total_nkill + record.nkill.unwrap_or(0.),
                        count + 1.,
                        average_individual + record.individual.unwrap_or(0.),
            GroupBy {
                country: country.unwrap(),
                average_individual: average_individual / count,
    let mut wtr =

    for group in &groups {

Although this solution is not as elegant as Pandas groupby, it gives a lot of flexibility on the computation of the reduced fields. Again, thanks to Closures.

I think more reduction method other than sum and fold would greatly improve the development experience of map-reduce style operation in rust. We will then probably have equivalent experience between Rust and Pandas.








2.0s🔥 -35%

1.7Gb🔥 -32%


Although the performance is better for Rust, I would advise using Pandas for map-reduce heavy application, as it seems more appropriate.

4. Mutation


There are many ways to do mutation in Pandas, I usually do the following for performance and functional style:

df["computed"] = df["nkill"].map(lambda x: (x - 10) / 2 + x ** 2 / 3)


For mutation, the functional iter of Rust really makes this part a walk in the park:

    records.iter_mut().for_each(|x: &mut DataFrame| {
        let nkill = match &x.nkill {
            Some(nkill) => nkill,
            None => &0.,

        x.computed = Some((nkill - 10.) / 2. + nkill * nkill / 3.);

    let mut wtr = csv::Writer::from_path(
    for record in &records {








1.58s🔥 -87%

1.7Gb🔥 -64%

This is where the difference really appeared to me. Pandas do not scale for line-by-line custom build lambda functions. Pandas would have been even worst if I had done an operation involving several columns.


Rust is way better for line-by-line mutation natively.

5. Merge


Merging in python is pretty efficient generally speaking, it goes like this in general:

df_country = pd.read_csv(

df_merge = pd.merge(
    df, df_country, left_on="country_txt", right_on="Short_Name"


For Rust, however, this is a tricky part as, with Struct, merging isn’t really a thing. For me, the rustiest way of doing a merge is by adding a nested field containing the other struct we want to join data with.

I first created a new struct and a new heap for the new data:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct DataFrameCountry {
    SNA_price_valuation: Option<String>,
    IMF_data_dissemination_standard: Option<String>,
    Latest_industrial_data: Option<String>,
    System_of_National_Accounts: Option<String>,

// ...

    let mut records_country: Vec<DataFrameCountry> = Vec::new();
    let file = File::open(path_country)?;
    let transcoded = DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new()
    let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()

    for result in rdr.deserialize() {
        match result {
            Ok(rec) => {
            Err(e) => println!("{}", e),

I then cloned this new struct with the previous struct on a specific field that is unique.

impl DataFrame {
    fn add_country_ext(&mut self, country: Option<DataFrameCountry>) {
        self.country_merge = Some(country)


    for country in records_country {
            .filter(|record| record.country_txt == country.Short_Name)
            .for_each(|x| {
    let mut wtr =
    for record in &records {

I cloned the data for convenience and also for better comparability, but a reference can be passed if you can manage it.

And there we go! 🚀

Except, a nested struct is not yet serializable in CSV for Rust ->

So I had to adapt it to:

impl DataFrame {
    fn add_country_ext(&mut self, country: Option<DataFrameCountry>) {
        self.country_ext = Some(format!("{:?}", country))

But, then, we got a sort of merge! 🚀








5.48s🔥 -75%

2.6Gb🔥 -78%


Rust is capable of doing nested structs that are going to be as capable if not more capable than Pandas merges. However, it isn’t really a one to one comparison and in this case, it is going to depend on your use case.

Ending conclusion

After this experience, this is my take away.

  • Use Pandas when you can: small CSV(<1M lines), simple operation, data cleaning …
  • Use Rust when you have: complex operations, memory heavy or time-consuming pipelines, custom build functions, scalable software…

That been said, Rust offers impressive flexibility compared to Pandas. Adding the fact that Rust is way more capable of multi-threading than Pandas, I believe that Rust can solve problems Pandas simply cannot.

Additionally, the possibility to run Rust on any platform(Web, Android, or Embedded) also create new opportunities for data manipulation in places inconceivable for Pandas and can provide solutions for yet to be resolved challenges.


The performance table gives us an insight as to what to expect from Rust. I believe, the speedup can go from x2 at the minimum and up to x50 for large data pipelines. The memory use will have an even greater decrease as memory usage accumulates over time with python.


In many ways, Pandas can be optimized, but optimisation comes at a cost, whether it is hardware (e.g. Cluster #Dask, GPU #Cudf) or dependency on the reliability and maintenance of those optimisation packages.

What I like about using Native Rust is that it doesn’t rely on additional hardware nor does it depends on additional packages. This solution doesn’t require an additional layer of abstraction, which makes it way more intuitive in many regards.

I wrote a continuation article covering polars a rust dataframe crate in another post:

with another repo:


Git repository

Data-Oriented Design

One other way to handle data in Rust is using a data-oriented design, that translates into building a struct of heap:

I first tried to build it this way, but, I did not manage to make it work, as I had to implement a lot of function to make things like filtering work on all columns.


One way to optimize for speed for Rust would be to replace the Vector with a Binary tree as the Heap. The filtering will then be done on this Tree, making the filtering faster. This would work if one field can be used as a primary filter.

bensonclark345 picture

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Andrea Ghensi picture

I don't think this is the right way to benchmark things. Most of the time is spent reading and writing the CSV files, so you can't really appreciate how fast is the function/algorithm you're testing. In python you can use time.perf_counter() to time a block of code

import time
start = time.perf_counter()
df["computed_file"] = df["nkill"].map(lambda x: (x - 10) / 2 + x ** 2 / 3)
print(f"mutation with map took {time.perf_counter() - start} sec.")

Also, one of the Pandas strength is the ability to perform operations on the entire dataset without looping, so the mutation task can be rewritten like this:

start = time.perf_counter()
df["computed_file"] = (df["nkill"] - 10) / 2 + df["nkill"] ** 2 / 3
print(f"mutation took {time.perf_counter() - start} sec.")

to make it ~30x faster:

mutation took 0.01667909999999928 sec.
mutation with map took 0.49862569999999984 sec.

Usually we leave map to more complex operation, and try to avoid it as much as we can because of this behavior.

Fernando Herrera picture

It could be interesting if you do the same comparison using DataFusion for Rust

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

I think DaataFusion has been given to apache arrow: so, i think ijust review apache arrow through polars. Thanks for the suggestion ;)

Fernando Herrera picture

That is something I would like to read. If you would like to get some help understanding Arrow you could use the guide we are working on. I hope it can help you.

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Ok, will do, thanks for the guide :)

Alex picture

Hello, I want to translate your blog post and hope to get your permission

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Absolutely, no worries :) A small credit will be nice, be no problem :)

David Sanders picture

For your "Group By" example in Rust, I recommend the excellent itertools crate. Take a look at the code snippet I created:

In addition to being simpler to code, I suspect that you'll find it has better performance as well.

Thanks for the great article! Dave

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Actually, your solution was so easy to implement, that I could just copy paste it. Thanks. It did not bring speed up, but it looks so much cleaner ahah :)

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Thanks for taking the time to read and trying to find a better solution. Your solution looks awesome! I'm currently working on my next article about Rust Polars, Pandas, Dask... I'll come back to this article maybe in the near future :)

Theo Belaire picture

I dunno, I think you're not being exactly fair to python here. I think if you're looking to re-implement dataframes, I'd start with a HashMap of Series (Columns) as well an an Index.

The index lets you pull off lots of interesting things

# Our input dataset, with some shared index like 1,2,3,4...
X_train, y_train = load_data()

# Some of the fields in out dataset are missing.  We're going to 
# run some imputer to try and fill in fields, but can also choose to drop
# the row if too much is missing
X_train_filtered = impute_or_drop(X_train)
# Drop the same rows from y_train, but without copying all the data
y_train_filtered = y_train[X_train_filtered.index]

#X_train_filtered.index now looks like [1,2,4,5..] where 3 got dropped.

You'd probable want to have a Dataframe = HashMap&lt;string, arc&lt;series="">> or something if you wanted to pull off these kinds of things.

But maybe that's less important if you're not using a jupyter notebook, and have to re-load your data each time you make a change to your program.</string,>

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Hey, So, I thought about using a Hashmap, and I definitely think that it has its place within the heap of struct ecosystem :) but, for my use case, it kind of makes working with any field that is not the key a bit weirder.