Data Manipulation: Polars vs Rust

Polars offers a great API and performance. No clear edge between Polars or native Rust.


Everyone loves the API of Pandas. It’s fast, easy, and well documented. There are some rough edges, but most times, it’s just a blast.

Now, when it comes to production, Pandas is slightly trickier. Pandas does not scale very well… there is no multithreading… It’s not thread-safe… It’s not memory efficient.

But all those problems are the raison d’être of Rust.

But what if, there was a DataFrame API written in Rust that solves all those issues and at the same time keeps a nice API?


Well, Polars tries to do just that. It allows you to do read, write, filter, apply functions, group by and merge, all in a thread-safe fashion.

It uses Apache Arrow, a data framework purposely built for doing efficient data processing and data sharing across language.

3 reasons for choosing Polars

Reason #1. Performance.

it’s killing it performance-wise.

Reason #2. The API is straightforward.

Do you want to mutate the data? Use apply. Do you want to filter the data? use filter. Do you want to merge? Use join . There is not going to be rust syntax like struct, derive, impl

Reason #3. No troubles with the borrow checker.

It uses Arc, Mutex like referencing, which means that you can clone variables as much as you like. Variables are only references to in-memory data. No more fighting with the borrow checker. Mutability is limited to the API calls, which preserve the consistency/thread-safety of the data.

3 caveats of Polars

‌‌Caveat #1. Issues…

Building a DataFrame API is hard. It’s so hard, Pandas took 12 years to reach 1.0.0. And, as Polars is rather young, you may face unexpected issues. In my cases, there were issues with \n characters, double quotes characters, and long utf8.

On the other hand, those are great first issues to get started with contribution and getting better at Rust 🔨

Caveat #2. Getting comfortable with two APIs: Polars and Arrow.

As many of the heavy liftings are done using the Apache Arrow backend, you’ll have to get used to reading both documentation. Both documentations are pretty straightforward, but it might feel tiring for someone who was looking for a drop-in replacement of Pandas.

Caveat #3. Compiling time…

Sadly, compiling time takes around 6min uncached. And, it uses a lot of resources.

Case Study

Now the question is, is it better than native Rust as I’ve explained in my previous blog post?

Let’s take a hands-on comparison for a Data Pipeline and get a feel for it.

In this case study, I’m going to use the stack overflow kaggle dataset. I’m going to read the database, parse the dates, make a merge between the first tag and the Wikipedia comparison of programming language. Group by the status of the question asked. And retrieve the distribution of language’s features within each ‘status’ of questions.

We’ll compare Polars API & Native Rust generic heap structure to do this task.

  • I’ll go slightly quicker on the native Rust, as I already put more details here.
  • Multithreading is done on 12 threads Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H / 20G RAM.
  • The database is 4.2G big for around 3.6 Million rows.


Reading in Polars

Reading is pretty straightforward with many configurations possible.

use polars::prelude::*;


    let mut df = CsvReader::from_path(path)?
        .with_n_threads(Some(1)) // comment for multithreading

Reading in Native Rust

Reading in Rust using csv and serde requires that you already have a struct , in my case my struct is utils::NativeDataFrame

    let file = File::open(path)?;

    let mut rdr = csv::ReaderBuilder::new().delimiter(b',').from_reader(file);
    let mut records: Vec<utils::NativeDataFrame> = rdr
        .filter_map(|result| match result {
            Ok(rec) => rec,
            Err(e) => None,



Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

12 s


Polars(Single thread)

19 s



6.6 s



29.6 s


For reading, Polars multithreaded is killing it!

Applying functions

Applying Function in Polars

To Apply a function in Polars, you can use the default apply or may_apply. I prefer the latter. This will mutate the original data.

fn str_to_date(dates: &Series) -> std::result::Result<Series, PolarsError> {
    let fmt = Some("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S");


fn count_words(dates: &Series) -> std::result::Result<Series, PolarsError> {
        .map(|opt_name: Option<&str>| 
       |name: &str| name.split(" ").count() as u64

// ...

    // Apply Format Date
    df.may_apply("PostCreationDate", str_to_date)?;

    let t_formatting = Instant::now();

    // Apply Custom counting words in string
    df.may_apply("BodyMarkdown", count_words)?;

Applying Function in Native Rust

Now, what I like about native rust mutation, is that the syntax is standard among iterator, and so once you get comfortable with the syntax, you can apply it everywhere 😀

use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime};
// use rayon::prelude::*;  for multithreads

    // Apply Format Date
    let fmt = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";

        .iter_mut()  // .par_iter_mut() for multithreads
        .for_each(|record: &mut utils::NativeDataFrame| {
            record.PostCreationDatetime =
                match DateTime::parse_from_str(
                  record.PostCreationDate.as_ref().unwrap(), fmt) {
                    Ok(dates) => Some(dates),
                    Err(_) => None,

    // Apply Custom Formatting counting words in string
        .iter_mut() // .par_iter_mut() for multithreads
        .for_each(|record: &mut utils::NativeDataFrame| {
            record.CountWords =
          record.BodyMarkdown.as_ref().unwrap().split(' ').count() as f64

Performance for formatting dates


Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

.98 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

.148 s


Polars(Single thread)

.88 s



7.8 s

Performance for counting words


Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

9 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

1.3 s


Polars(Single thread)

9 s



24.8 s


Polars does not seem to offer increased performance over the standard library on a single thread, and I couldn’t find a way to do multi-threaded apply… In this scenario, I’ll prefer native rust.


Merging in Polars

Merging in Polars is dead easy, although the number of strategy for filling none values are limited for now.

    df = df
        .join(&df_wikipedia, "Tag1", "Language", JoinType::Left)?

Merging in Native Rust

Merging in native Rust can be done with nested structure and pairing with a Hashmap:

let mut hash_wikipedia: &HashMap<&String, &utils::WikiDataFrame> = &records_wikipedia
    .map(|record| (record.Language.as_ref().unwrap(), record))

records.iter_mut().for_each(|record| {
    record.Wikipedia = match hash_wikipedia.get(&record.Tag1.as_ref().unwrap()) {
        Some(wikipedia) => Some(wikipedia.clone().clone()),
        None => None,



Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

.680 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

.215 s



.222 s



4.347 s


For merging, having a nested structure with None values can be very verbose. Having a flat structure is a huge plus. So, I’ll recommend using Polars if merging is key.

I’m not sure If polars merging is done multi-threaded or not. It seems to be multithreaded by default.

Group By

Group By in Polars

Group by in polars are really easy

    // Groupby series as a clone of reference
    let groupby_series = vec![

    let target_column = vec![

    let groups = df
        .groupby_with_series(groupby_series, false)?

Group By in Native Rust

This part is quite tricky. To make a group by in a thread-safe manner, you’ll need to use a Hashmap with fold. Note that, parallel folds are slightly more complicated as folding requires passing data around threads.

    let groups_hash: HashMap<String, (utils::GroupBy, i16)> = records
        .iter() // .par_iter()
            HashMap::new(), // || HashMap::new()
            |mut hash_group: HashMap<String, (utils::GroupBy, i16)>, record| {
                let group: utils::GroupBy = if let Some(wiki) = &record.Wikipedia {
                    utils::GroupBy {
                        status: record.OpenStatus.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
                        ReputationAtPostCreation: record.ReputationAtPostCreation.unwrap(),
                        OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: record
                        Imperative: wiki.Imperative.unwrap(),
                        ObjectOriented: wiki.ObjectOriented.unwrap(),
                        Functional: wiki.Functional.unwrap(),
                        Procedural: wiki.Procedural.unwrap(),
                        Generic: wiki.Generic.unwrap(),
                        Reflective: wiki.Reflective.unwrap(),
                        EventDriven: wiki.EventDriven.unwrap(),
                } else {
                    utils::GroupBy {
                        status: record.OpenStatus.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
                        ReputationAtPostCreation: record.ReputationAtPostCreation.unwrap(),
                        OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: record
                if let Some((previous, count)) = hash_group.get_mut(&group.status.to_string()) {
                    *previous = previous.clone() + group;
                    *count += 1;
                } else {
                    hash_group.insert(group.status.to_string(), (group, 1));
        ); // }
           // .reduce(
           //     || HashMap::new(),
           //     |prev, other| {
           //         let set1: HashSet<String> = prev.keys().cloned().collect();
           //         let set2: HashSet<String> = other.keys().cloned().collect();
           //         let unions: HashSet<String> = set1.union(&set2).cloned().collect();
           //         let mut map = HashMap::new();
           //         for key in unions.iter() {
           //             map.insert(
           //                 key.to_string(),
           //                 match (prev.get(key), other.get(key)) {
           //                     (Some((previous, count_prev)), Some((group, count_other))) => {
           //                         (previous.clone() + group.clone(), count_prev + count_other)
           //                     }
           //                     (Some(previous), None) => previous.clone(),
           //                     (None, Some(other)) => other.clone(),
           //                     (None, None) => (utils::GroupBy::new(), 0),
           //                 },
           //             );
           //         }
           //         map
           //     },
           // );

    let groups: Vec<utils::GroupBy> = groups_hash
        .map(|(_, (group, count))| utils::GroupBy {
            status: group.status.to_string(),
            ReputationAtPostCreation: group.ReputationAtPostCreation / count.clone() as f64,
            OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime: group.OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
                / count.clone() as f64,
            Imperative: group.Imperative / count.clone() as f64,
            ObjectOriented: group.ObjectOriented / count.clone() as f64,
            Functional: group.Functional / count.clone() as f64,
            Procedural: group.Procedural / count.clone() as f64,
            Generic: group.Generic / count.clone() as f64,
            Reflective: group.Reflective / count.clone() as f64,
            EventDriven: group.EventDriven / count.clone() as f64,

Uncomment for multithreading



Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

.536 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

.115 s


Polars(Single thread)

.131 s



.125 s



1.1 s


Group By and Merging are the ideal case for Polars. You’ll get 8x more performance than Pandas on a single thread, and Polars handle multi-threading although, in my case, it didn’t matter much.

It can be done with native rust, but judging by the size of the code, it’s not an ideal use case.

Polars Lazy

Polars also offers a query optimized version called Lazy with a slightly different API. In my use case, I did not find it hard to go from one to the other, but I did not find any significant increase in performance either. The result is in the overall performance.


Performance overall


Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

24 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

13.7 s


Polars(Single thread)

30 s



17 s


Polars(lazy, Multithreaded)




80 s

As reading is io bound, I wanted to make a benchmark of pure performance.

Performance without Reading


Speedup Pandas

Native Rust (Single thread)

12 s


Native Rust (Multithread)

1.7 s


Polars(Single thread)

10 s



11 s


Polars(Lazy, Multithread)

11 s



40 s

Overall takeaway

  • Use Polars if you want a great API.
  • Use Polars for merging and group by.
  • Use Polars for single instruction multiple data(SIMD) operation.
  • Use Native Rust if you’re already familiar with rust generic heap structure like vectors and hashmap.
  • Use Native Rust for linear mutation of the data with map and fold. You’ll get O(n) scalability that can be parallelized almost instantly with rayon.
  • Use pandas when performance, scalability, memory usage does not matter.

For me, both Polars and native Rust makes a lot of sense for data between 1Go and 1To, single-threaded or not.

I’ll invite you to make your own opinion. The code is available here:

Future writing

The output of our data pipeline show divergence in distribution between language feature and question status.

This means we may have a signal for doing Machine Learning.

Next Stop, ML in Rust



For the life of me, I tried to run dask for benchmarking but did not succeed in making it faster than native pandas. On the dask website, they say:

If your dataset fits comfortably into RAM on your laptop, then you may be better off just using Pandas. There may be simpler ways to improve performance than through parallelism

This means, there is this void in pandas optimization for data sized between 1Go to 1To. Dask seems to be a replacement of Spark but not pandas itself.

And even if it worked, performance increase would only be around 4-5x, from past experience


I tried to run Cudf on my 4G RAM GPU but run out of memory. I did not investigate further.


I tried to run valgrind to do a profiling of the memory usage but it seems not to work with polars and native rust at this size.

Zefeng Zhu picture

Great post! It seems the native Rust implementation is awesome in the aspect of speed. Perhaps we do not really need a DataFrame data structure but something that can generate some native rust code like what you wrote that suits our goal? Maybe a layer of abstraction like SQL? Haha🐵, just imagine.

Rhett Trickett picture

I thought a post like this might come after your native Rust vs. Pandas one. Interesting write up!

Looks like some values are missing in the first table.

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Hey Rhett, (I have no clue what your name sounds like, sorry...)

Thanks for reading :) Nice catch ;)

Just want to let you know, that the overall on is great. Would love to be able to add more color in editing, but other than that, really happy of that alternative to medium :)

Rhett Trickett picture

Hehe, you pronounced it perfectly! It’s simply “Ret”.

Glad to hear you’re enjoying Able. It’s built for posts exactly like yours, so it’s great to have you!

Could you explain what you mean by being “able to add more color” in editing? Will see if something can be done about that.

Haixuan Xavier Tao picture

Ahah, got it!

I think being able to put a little bit off css around title and text could be great.

Thanks :)

Merlec picture

Thanks for sharing this amazing benchmark Haixuan! Keep up the good work