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Zoran Pandovski

Understanding Python 3 data types: string, int, float and boolean

Introduction to Python 3's primitive data types: int, float, boolean and string

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Haixuan Xavier Tao in Python vs Rust

Data Manipulation: Pandas vs Rust

Rust requires a lot more work compared to Pandas, but, Rust is way more flexible and performant.

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Haixuan Xavier Tao in Python vs Rust

Data Manipulation: Polars vs Rust

Polars offers a great API and performance. No clear edge between Polars or native Rust.

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Identifying dog breeds using Keras

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Haixuan Xavier Tao in Python vs Rust

Deep Learning in Rust with GPU

Deep Learning in Rust on GPU with onnxruntime-rs for deep learning pipelines and servers.

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Zoran Pandovski

Data Structures in Python 3

Python 3 data structures(list, tuple, dict, set)

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Zoran Pandovski

Design Patterns with Python

Introduction to Creational Design Patterns in Python

aza in CTF


MISC - Malformed ZIP - 210 solves - 50 points

aza in CTF

Treebox Google CTF 2022

SANDBOX - Python Jail - 268 solves - 50 points

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Arpit Mandliya

How to read a file in Python

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Daniel Fernsby

Pickling Objects with Python

How to preserve Python objects when saving them to disk, cache or other storage.

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Reverse Engineering a Protocol Impossible to Reverse Engineer

Quick guide into the protocol used for communication between the osu! game client and the osu!Bancho server

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Aprendizaje no Supervisado de Grupos desde Texto en Python

Clasificando automáticamente los contactos de LinkedIn según el título de su posición

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Anson VanDoren

Captive Web Portal for ESP8266 with MicroPython - Part 1

Easily authenticate to WiFi with home automation devices

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Ruslan Nikolaev

Generating Drake Rap Lyrics using Language Models and LSTM

An inside look at your MC-LSTM, soon releasing on iTunes

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Zoran Pandovski

Web Browser Automation with Selenium

Introduction to Selenium and Selenium tools

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Anson VanDoren

Solving the 'Broken Calculator' problem the hard way.

Sometimes 'good enough' isn't good enough

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Anson VanDoren

Captive Web Portal for ESP8266 with MicroPython - Part 2

Easily authenticate to WiFi with home automation devices

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Michelle James

How To Perform Data Science Projects For Fun and Profit with Python

Unleashing the Power of Data Science: How Python Enables Fun and Profitable Projects

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Anson VanDoren

Captive Web Portal for ESP8266 with MicroPython - Part 4

Easily authenticate to WiFi with home automation devices

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Anson VanDoren

Captive Web Portal for ESP8266 with MicroPython - Part 3

Easily authenticate to WiFi with home automation devices

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