This is my first post on this platform. Recently I lost my (free) host for my WordPress website, and I decided to change to a static webpage hosted via GitHub Pages. I did this so I wouldn’t have to worry about crap hosting (like 000craphost) or having a server running in my house. I never really used my blog, but I was thinking about hosting one anyways, just so I could. I was checking Hacker News when I stumbled upon this post and read through it. And when supports custom domains, I’ll be changing mine to
So basically:
Simple set up
Not having to have any computer on in my house 24/7
Not having to rely on anyone’s good faith to host for me
Not having to go through a host that doesn’t have good uptime
Want to promote a better-faith competitor to medium
Thank you for joining us! We are working on getting the custom domain support going. Looking forward to your posts!
Let us know if you have any queries or suggestions for us.
Happy Blogging!!